Recurrent upper gastrointestinal symptoms

Current Care Summary
Working group appointed by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim and the Finnish Society of Gastroenterology

Current Care guideline «Ylävatsavaivat ja refluksioireet»1 and Summary in Finnish «Ylävatsavaivat ja refluksioireet»2

Dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are common among children and adults. The diagnosis is based on clinical evaluation. Gastroscopy is needed when the symptoms are alarming, occur the first time at the age of 55+ years, or the response for the treatment is incomplete. Helicobacter pylori infection, when diagnosed, should be treated to diminish the risk of gastric ulcer and cancer. Proton pump inhibitors are the first-line medication for dyspepsia and GERD. However, regular medication for dyspepsia is rarely needed. Lifestyle modification should be included in the treatment of GERD.

Markku Heikkinen (Chair)

Mikko Kiviniemi

Arto Kokkola

Jorma Komulainen

Jari Koskenpato

Jorma Komulainen

Ilona Mikkola

Markku Voutilainen